Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Menuju 24 Mei~

Sebatang pohon tua
Batangnya keropos diterpa angin gurun
Daunnya merah, bukan, bukan warna aslinya
Namun terpapar darah
Di sana, sendirian, ia berdiri
Di antara mayat dan puing reruntuhan
Angin bertiup, dan melalui angin,
Pohon tua itu bicara
‘Lihatlah di sana, di tempat prajurit bersuka ria’
Sementara mendesah, angin berhembus lagi
mengayunkan ranting-rantingnya,
menunjuk ke selatan sana
‘mereka baru saja kembali dari medan perang
membawa berita bahagia’
Sebutir kerikil di akar pohon,
‘Aku iri’
Pohon tua meliriknya, dan bertanya
‘pada kemenangan mereka?’
Sekali lagi, angin menderu
Menggulingkan kerikil dari tempatnya
Dan kerikil itu, sementara dipermainkan
‘bukan,’ dan melanjutkan
‘Aku iri’
‘pada setiap darah yang mereka teteskan
Pada setiap peluh yang mereka keluarkan
Pada setiap denyut jantung yang menjerit
Pada setiap detik rasa sakit, takut, putus asa
Dan harapan, yang mereka rasakan
Pada setiap air mata yang teruntai’
Kerikil terdiam, dan ketika angin kembali,
Ia pun mendesah,
‘Aku ingin berjuang’
‘biar tak ada darah mengalir,
Biar tak ada denyut di dada,
Biar tak ada pisau, pistol,
Granat, basoka, tank, dan segala macam senjata tak kukenal,
Aku ingin berjuang’
Ketika ia selesai bicara,
Puing dibelakang mereka berderak
Seorang anak laki-laki,
Wajahnya mengernyit kesakitan,
Kakinya koyak sebelah,
Tangannya menggantung sebelah, nyaris putus
Bangkit dari antara puing
Terseok-seok ia melangkah,
Mendekati pohon tua, dan memungut kerikil
Dan dilemparkan ke kepala seorang prajurit.

Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Poems by Frederica Bernkastel

From Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, each chapter has at least one of Frederica's poem. These are my favourites:

*Demoned Away Arc #1

Don't be sad. Even if the world won't forgive you,

I'll forgive you

Don't be sad. Even if you won't forgive the world,

I'll forgive you

So please tell me

How do I make you forgive me?

*Demoned Away Arc #2

Do you know what sin is?

It's not from aten the forbidden fruit

Do you know what sin is?

It's not from listening to the serpent's sing

Do you still not know what sin is?

Then, it is your sin

*Curse Killing Arc

I was the most unfortunate

I knew there was no exit out of this maze

He was the next unfortunate

He did't know there was no exit out of this maze

But all the rest wasn't so unfortunate

They didn't know that they were in this maze in the first place

*Eye Opening Arc

The young girl cried that she lost her bead in the desert

She had searched the desert for hundreds of years

The young girl cried that it might be in the ocean rather than in the desert

She had searched the ocean bed for hundreds of years

The young girl cried that it might be in the mountain rather than in the ocean

How many more years will it take until she doubts whether it really has been lost?

*Atonement Arc

The first time, I thought, definitely this time.

At the tragedy I wasn't able to avoid

The second time, I was shocked and thought, once again?

At the tragedy I wasn't able to avoid

The third time, the shock passes and it becomes pain

If you count till the seventh time, it gradually becomes a comedy

*Festival Accompanying Arc

That's because

I'm gonna become much-much happier from now on

I'm not gonna compromise with just this

We're gonna take back all of our happiness that we lost

For me, that's about a hundred years worth

For you, a thousand years worth

Source: onemanga and here
Oh, and my favourite dialogue from Keiichi:
"Soft and squishy!! With three layers of fat!!"
Let your imagination run wild, guys...